Fosse Gill

I had been meaning to make a trip to Fosse Gill for just over a year, after I saw my daughter take a picture of a lovely little waterfall during a DofE hike with friends. For those that don’t know, Fosse Gill is a little known small gorge just south of Pateley Bridge in Nidderdale. It is close to the well known Guisecliffe Woods and Yorke’s Folly. The Gill is only about a 20 minute walk across open moorland from a convenient parking spot. As I was walking across the heather moorland, I was thinking it would be “tick central” in the warmer months, so be warned if you visit in those months.

During the winter months, Fosse Gill’s orientation means it is a good sunset location. With this is mind, I was hoping for some dramatic skies over the waterfall I was heading for. There had also been a lot of heavy rain in the previous few days and as you can see from the photos, this gave the beck a lovely peaty colour. I was really happy with the results and I hope you feel the same…

Fosse Gill Waterfall, near Pateley Bridge in Nidderdale.


Taken or Made? A Morning at High Crags…


A Few Days in the Lakes